I’m honored to be the host of the documentary The Whisper: The Silent Crisis of Ovarian Cancer for PBS, premiering on New York’s WLIW21 on September 24 at 7:00pm! There are additional air dates of Sept 27 at 10:30pm & Oct 1 at 11:30pm, after which we hope the national affiliates will pick it up so our message will be heard across the country (but 5 million of my lovely New Yorkers is definitely starting with a big bang!).

Tune in, turn on, shout it out!

Click here to see the 3-minute trailer!
Click here to see a powerful 30-second snippit featuring radiant & beautiful o.c. survivor, Chana Garcia!
Click here to see a 30-second snippit featuring me, your humble Bald Is Beautiful o.c. warrior!

You can also view the entire documentary HERE (if it’s locked, the password is: baldisbeautiful).