“Well I’ve never been to Spain / But I kinda like the music . . .” so the song goes . . . but now Bald Is Beautiful is heading to SPAIN!

In early November, I will have the honor of speaking as part of a beautiful program in Spain called LO QUE DE VERDAD IMPORTA (WHAT REALLY MATTERS). The programs are geared towards young people, mainly late teens, to let them hear from ordinary people with extraordinary stories about finding positivity and empowerment in what most consider a devastating or traumatic life experience. LQDVI is about inspiring attendees to create their lives with purpose and confidence and a sense of, well, what really matters in life! I will present in Seville and in Madrid.

Thank you, especially, to Maria, Carolina, Pilar

I had the most incredible experience presenting at these “congresos” in Madrid and Seville! I spoke to two main groups, totaling about 7,000 youths, including a 1-hour presentation followed by a wonderful Q&A in which attendees were invited to write a question on a card at the beginning of the evening and the moderator selected a handful of them to discuss at the end. As I left the stage in Madrid, the entire room erupted in cheers and the kids chanting (in Spanish accent): “Charon! Charon! Charon!” It was awesome!

In Seville, I also took a detour to visit a children’s hospital and share some hugs and encouragement with two lovely, courageous kids:
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After the congresos were done, I spent a whole week in Spain

Click HERE to see my page on their site and an edited video of my presentation!
Click HERE to peruse the whole site of other inspiring speakers over the years (it’s in Spanish, but you can allow browser to Translate if you wanna)!